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Metallurgical characterization is the ideal method to pro-actively investigate the materials used in our manufacturing and transformation processes.

Guy Morin

Associate: Specialized training

819 376-8707
Extension :


Core business


Principaux domaines d’activités et de recherche :

  • Moulage de l’aluminium
  • acier
  • métaux exotiques
  • traitement du métal en fusion
  • approvisionnement en fonderie
  • métallurgie générale

Participation à des organismes professionnels :

  • American Foundry Society


  • Morin, G. Marin, G. Comtois-Parr, M., Forget, L. Carignan, J.; Control of alpha case on investment cast Ti6Al4V using an industrial shelling system, Proceeding of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, San Diego, United States, 2015
  • Morin, G. Marin, G. Parr, M.C. Forget, L.  Factors influencing alpha case thickness with calcia stabilized zirconia face coat shelling system for investment casting of Ti6Al-4V, Material science and technology 2013 (pp.1164-1170), Montreal, Canada, MS&T13
  • Chiesa, F., Morin, G., Duchesne, B., Baril, J.; Comparing Tensile Properties of AZ91E Mg Sheets and StandardRound Specimens in as-Cast, T4, T6 and Underaged Conditions, International Journal of Metalcasting,, Vol 9, Issue 3, pp. 37-42, 2015