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L’allégement des véhicules par une utilisation judicieuse des métaux légers permet de réduire leur consommation de carburant et les émissions de GES. Pour y arriver, il faut choisir le bon matériau et optimiser le procédé de fabrication.

Julie Lévesque

Responsable d'axe R&D - Mise en forme et assemblage

Adresse courriel :
Téléphone :
819 376-8707
Poste :
Téléphone cellulaire :
819 668-8192


Secteur d'activité principal

Aéronautique et transport terrestre, transformation des métaux légers

Principaux domaines d’activités et de recherche :

  • Procédés de mise en forme par déformation plastique : laminage, extrusion, hydroformage, forgeage, emboutissage, etc.
  • Traitements thermiques et thermomécaniques, adhésifs structuraux, modélisation de la fabrication et de la performance de pièces métalliques, résistance à l’impact.

Participation à des organismes professionnels :

  • Professeure associée au Département de génie mécanique et mécatronique, University of Waterloo
  • Responsable du Catalyseur d’innovation en procédés de fabrication avancés (CIPFA-FRQNT)
  • 3e Vice-présidente de la Société de la métallurgie et des matériaux de l’ICM
  • Co-présidente de la conférence LightMat2023, Trondheim, Norvège, 21-13 Juin 2023.
  • Organisatrice du symposium « Aluminium alloys, characterization and processing » à la conférence TMS2023, San Diego, USA, 19-23 Mars 2023.
  • Membre du Centre de recherche sur l’aluminium – REGAL
  • Membre de l’OIQ (ing.)
  • Membre de l’Institut canadien des mines, de la métallurgie et du pétrole (ICM)


  • J Lévesque and A Béland, (2022). Asymmetrical Rolling of Aluminum Alloy 6061, Proceedings of the 61st Conference of Metallurgists 2022, August 20-23, 2022, Montréal, Canada.
  • O Ibragimova, A Brahme, W Muhammad, D Connolly, J Lévesque, K Inal, A convolutional neural network based crystal plasticity finite element framework to predict localised deformation in metals, International Journal of Plasticity 157.
  • O Ibragimova, A Brahme, W Muhammad, J Lévesque, K Inal (2021). A new ANN based crystal plasticity model for FCC materials and its application to non-monotonic strain paths. International Journal of Plasticity 144, 103059.
  • K. Ba, J. Levesque, A. Gakwaya, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi (2021). Residual stress investigation of quenched and artificially aged aluminum alloy 7175. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 116, p. 1537–1553.
  • R. Lombarkia, A. Gakwaya, D. Nandlall, M.-L. Dano, J. Lévesque, P. Vachon-Joannette (2020). Experimental investigation and finite-element modeling of the crushing response of hat shape open section composite. International Journal of Crashworthiness, DOI:1080/13588265.2020.1838773.
  • JS Nagra, A Brahme, J Levesque, R Mishra, RA Lebensohn, K Inal (2020). A new micromechanics based full field numerical framework to simulate the effects of dynamic recrystallization on the formability of HCP metals. International Journal of Plasticity 125, 210-234.
  • J. Tham, T. Sabiston, A. Trauth, J. Lévesque, K.A. Weidenmann, K. Inal (2018). The effect of tension compression asymmetry on modelling the bending response of sheet moulding compound composites. Composites part B: Engineering 154, 157-165.
  • T. Sabiston, P. Pinter, J. Lévesque, K.A. Weidenmann, K. Inal (2018). Evaluating the number of fibre orientations required in homogeneization schemes to predict the elastic response of long fibre sheet moulding compound composites from X-ray computed tomography measured fibre orientation distributions.Composites part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 114, 278-29.
  • S. Saimoto, M.A. Singh, M.R. Langille, J. Lévesque, M. Niewczas, K. Inal, A.R. Woll (2018). Method to Decode Stress-Strain Diagrams to Identify the Structure-Strength Relationships in Aged Aluminum Alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A. 709: 9-16.
  • M. Singh, S. Saimoto, M. Langille, J. Lévesque, K. Inal, A. Woll (2017). Small angle X-ray scattering investigation of deformation-induced nanovoids in AA6063 aluminium alloy. Philosophical Magazine. 97: 2496-2513.
  • J. Lévesque, R.K. Mishra, K. Inal (2017). Effect of strain path on yield and formability of magnesium alloys, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture, January 3-9, 2017, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  • W. Jomaa, J. Lévesque, P. Bocher, A. Divialle, A. Gakwaya (2017). Optimization study of dry peripheral milling process for improving aeronautical part integrity using grey relational analysis. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 91: 931-942.
  • W. Jomaa, O. Mechri, J. Lévesque, A. Gakwaya, V. Songmene, P. Bocher (2017). Finite element simulation and analysis of serrated chip formation during high-speed machining of AA7075-T651 alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 26:446-458
  • T. Sabiston, M. Mohammadi, M. Cherkaoui, J. Lévesque, K. Inal. (2016) Micromechanics based elasto-plastic response of long fibre composites using a functionally graded interphase at quasi-static and moderate strain rates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 100: 31-43.
  • J. Lévesque, M. Mohammadi, R.K. Mishra, K. Inal (2016). An extended Taylor model to simulate localized deformation phenomena in magnesium alloys. International Journal of Plasticity. 78: 203-222.
  • J. Lévesque, R.K. Mishra, K. Inal (2016). Numerical modelling of yield potentials in magnesium alloys, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture, January 3-9, 2016, Kona, Hawaii, USA.
  • M. Jebahi, A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque, O. Mechri, K. Ba (2016). Robust methodology to simulate real shot peening process using discrete-continuum coupling method. International Journal of Mechanical Science. 107: 21-33.
  • T. Sabiston, M. Mohammadi, M. Cherkaoui, J. Lévesque, K. Inal (2016). Micromechanics for a long fibre reinforced composite model with a functionally graded interphase. Composites Part B: Engineering. 84:188-199.
  • J. Lévesque, P. Gagnon, P. Vachon-Joanette, A. Gakwaya (2016). Simulation of drop-weight impact on woven composite laminates, Proceedings of the Conference of Metallurgists 2016 (hosted by IMPC 2016), September 11-15, 2016, Québec City, Canada.
  • K. Ba, J. Lévesque, M. Guillot, A. Gakwaya (2016). Hot forging process simulation for aerospace aluminium alloy using a modified Johnson-Cook equation, Proceedings of the Conference of Metallurgists 2016 (hosted by IMPC 2016), September 11-15, 2016, Québec City, Canada.
  • W. Jomaa, O. Mechri, J. Lévesque, V. Songmene, P. Bocher, A. Gakwaya (2016). Finite element analysis of serrated chip formation in machining of 7075-T651 aluminium alloy, Proceedings of the Conference of Metallurgists 2016 (hosted by IMPC 2016), September 11-15, 2016, Québec City, Canada.
  • J. Lévesque, S. Kurukuri, R.K. Mishra, M. Worswick, K. Inal (2015). Large strain behaviour of ZEK100 magnesium alloy at various strain rates. Magnesium Technology, 2015 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 15-19, 2015, Orlando, FL, US.
  • J. Lévesque, K. Neale, R.K. Mishra, K. Inal (2015). Modelling the cyclic behaviour of magnesium alloys, International Symposium on Plasticity, January 4-9, 2015, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
  • X. Élie-dit-Cosaque, A. Gakwaya, M. Guillot, S. Bernier, J. Lévesque, J. Blanchet (2014). Development of a helicopter hydroformable skid landing gear cross tube, AHS 70th Annual Forum and Technology Display, May 20-22, 2014, Montréal, Canada.
  • A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque (2014). Simulation of hail impacts on composite aircraft structures, IC3, 4th edition, May 12-14, 2014, Arcachon, France.
  • S. Bernier, R. Fews, M. Guillot, A. Gakwaya, J. Blanchet, X. Élie-dit-Cosaque, J. Levesque, G. Aquino (2014). Filed patent : Helicopter skid landing gear (US20140224928).
  • R.K. Mishra, J. Lévesque, A. Brahme, K. Inal (2012). An extended Taylor model to simulate detwinning in magnesium alloys, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applcations. July 8-12, 2012, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • M. Matei, A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque, M. Guillot (2011). Virtual Modelling in Tube Hydroforming Process of Complex Aluminium Parts, Conference of Metallurgists 2011, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • X. Élie-dit-Cosaque, A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque, M. Guillot (2011). Smoothed finite element method for the resultant eight-node solid shell element analysis, Simulia Customer Conference, May 17-19, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
  • J. Lévesque, K. Inal, K.W. Neale, R. K. Mishra (2010). Numerical modelling of formability of extruded magnesium tubes. International Journal of Plasticity. 26: 65-83.
  • X. Élie-dit-Cosaque, M. Guillot, J. Blanchet, A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque, J. Ouellet (2010). Investigation of the effect of tube end feeding on hydroforming aluminum automotive components, SAE 2010 World Congress, April 13-15, 2010, Detroit.
  • X. Élie-dit-Cosaque, A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque (2009). Assessment of performance of various shell elements in tube bending and hydroforming in computational industrial environment, COMPLASX’09, September 2-4, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
  • M. Matei, A. Gakwaya, J. Lévesque, M. Guillot (2008). Assessment of process modelling tools for tube hydroforming using Abaqus software: finite element modelling and damage model, Conference of Metallurgists 2008, August 24-27, 2008, Winnipeg, Canada. Light Metals Best Paper Award 2012.
  • J. Lévesque, H. Hermawan, D. Dubé, D. Mantovani (2008). Design of a pseudo-physiological test bench specific to the development of biodegradable metallic biomaterials. Acta Biomaterialia. 4: 284-295.
  • J. Lévesque, Kaan Inal, Kenneth Neale, Raja Mishra, Alan Luo, Lan Jiang (2007). Numerical modelling of large strain deformation in magnesium alloy AM30, 2007 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 25 – March 1, 2007, Orlando, FL, US.
  • J. Lévesque, Kaan Inal, Kenneth Neale, Alan Luo, Raja Mishra (2006). Numerical modelling of large strain deformation in magnesium, 2006 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 12-16, 2006, San Antonio, TX, US. Magnesium Best Paper – Fundamental Research Award 2006.
  • J. Lévesque, D. Dubé, M. Fiset, D. Mantovani (2004). Materials and properties for coronary stents. Advanced materials and processes. 162: 45-48.
  • J. Lévesque, D. Dubé, M. Fiset, D. Mantovani (2003). Investigation of corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloy AM60B under pseudo-physiological conditions. Materials Science Forum. 426-432:521-526.
  • J. Lévesque, D. Dubé, M. Fiset, D. Mantovani (2002). Magnesium as a degradable biomaterial for cardiovascular applications. Proceedings of symposium on advanced materials for biomedical applications, August 11-14, 2002, Montréal, Canada, p. 191-200.